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Sources for a Better Education

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     Springer Verlag
Bücher zu Sozialwissenschaften allg...
Bücher über Sozialwissenschaften al...
The first candidate for extending one's teaching effectiveness is to tailor one's teaching to the test to be expected. 'Teaching to the Test' is an understandable tactic, however it endangers the students' full understanding of underlying concepts and analogies. The second candidate for professionalism is the deeper layer of knowledge on how curricular domains are related. In simpler terms: better teachers know how to 'bridge' topics and subjects so that students develop a deeper understanding on the patterns and structure in knowledge. The 21st century education prioritizes higher degrees of flexible-, divergent and abstract thinking, so that creative problem solving comes into reach.  ICT tools for making prior knowledge explicit is a major example on how learners harvest upon prior knowledge, thinking and intuition. The third source for a better education is the courage to envisage one's meta knowledge in order to see patterns in learning and understanding. The more conscious prior knowledge gets decompiled into genetic metaphors; the better future learning can be anticipated. The fourth asset for meta-cognitive skills is the wide spectrum of tools that the web offers for building knowledge infra-structures so that knowledge becomes transformed into problem solving skills; the availability of knowledge is no longer sufficient for finding creative and authentic solutions in future situations. This is the case for both students and teachers. By tradition, the bottom-up strategy from reproductive factual learning up to the levels of problem solving and creative thinking has been favoured. The 'one-click away' access to information on the web asks a more strategic attitude from learners and practitioners to cope with the periphery between known and unknown, so that a more effective meta-cognition develops. The fifth stimulus for more effective learning is the expanding impact of social media. Social media tend to intimidate learners with incomplete understanding to jump on biases as delivered through political and conspiracy agendas. This books aims at the challenge to build upon learners' existential needs and developing interest for a longer-term learning perspective. "Well-known scientist, (e-)learning expert and philosopher Piet Kommers presents us with an interesting question:  What makes education exciting? His book covers a range of lessons learnt through research and practice, covering philosophies and paradoxes, ranging from 'learning to learn' to 'machine learning for learning'. In 35  chapters he takes us on an exciting, comprehensive journey of just about every conceivable aspect of technology and education. This is an interesting and useful publication for all educators as well as learners and  must-have for every 21st Century bookshelf!" By: Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Dr. hab., associate professor, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Art and Sciences of Education, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Weitere Informationen:
Piet Kommers
Springer International Publishing
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Soziologiebücher - englischsprachig, allgemeine Sozialwissenschaftsbücher - englischsprachig, soziologie bücher, Learning; Media; Teacher training; learning theories; pedagogy; Meta-Cognitive Learning; learning tools; Epistemology; Information Science; Hypertext, Learning, Education, Media, Teacher Training, Learning Theories, Pedagogy, Meta-Cognitive Learning, Learning Tools, Epistemology, Information Science
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