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Lectins / Proceedings of the Sixth International Lectin Meeting, Poznan, Poland, September 2-6, 1984

Menge:  Stück  
     Verlag Walter de Gruyter
Chemiebücher - englischsprachig
chemie bücher
Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- PART I. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF LECTINS -- The immunosuppresive nature of tomato lectin and its possible clinical relevance -- The interaction of dietary lectin with porcine small intestine and the production of lectin-specific antibodies -- Lectin-induced arthritis of rabbit as a model of rheumatoid arthritis -- Mononuclear cell response to lectin: cAMP and qhemiluminescense -- Peanut agglutinin and cell cooperation in interleukin-2 mediated mouse thymocyte stimulation -- The effect of toxic lectins on histamine release from human basophil granulocytes -- PART II. HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY WITH LECTINS -- Lectin binding to non-malignant and malignant human uroepithelial cells in vitro -- Lectin target cells in human brain tumors -- Characterization of polycystic kidneys with lectins and differentiation markers of the nephron -- PNA binding to human colorectal tissue as a marker of neoplastic transformation -- Intensive and selective staining of stored glycolipid in Sandhoff's disease by DBA, Dolichos biflorous agglutinin -- Differential diagnosis of anaplastic gastric cancers by lectins -- Cytochemical demonstration of cardiac glycosides in the heart muscle tissues using lectins and aldehydebisulfite- toluidine blue (abt) reaction -- Ulex europaeus I lectin binding glycoprotein in primary sensory terminals of human spinal cord -- Lectin binding patterns in normal human salivary glands -- Lectin binding sites on bronchial carcinoma cells -- Distribution of glycoconjugates in normal testis and in seminoma -- Diagnosis of soft tissue tumors. Ulex europaeus lectin I is a marker for biphasic synovial sarcoma and mesothelioma -- The binding of Dolichos biflorus agglutinin to vascular endothelium and intestinal epithelium of mice, a genetic dimorphism -- Rat gastrointestinal glycocomjugates. Histological studies with lectins and monoclonal anti human blood group antibodies -- Lectin binding and uptake by human monomuclear cells -- Ricin binding in rat brain -- Lectin probes for visualization of cell differentiation markers on embryonic cells -- Lectins as histochemical markers for helmintic antigens -- PART III. LECTIN TOOLS -- Effect of pH and metal ions on the interactions between concanavalin A and carbohydrate. An approach to standardization of affinity electrophoresis for con A - carbohydrate interaction. Part II -- Crossed affinoelectrophoresis with galactose specific lectins in the first dimension -- Neither ferritin nor its con A - binding fraction are tumor markers for renal carcinoma -- Lectin blotting of normal and derivatized membrane proteins -- Only the con A binding fraction of the 0 chain of haptoglobin is biologically -- Post synthetic modifications of proteins change during development. Acid phosphatases from different grass tissues -- Glycoconjugate interactions in soybean root nodules -- A human broncial blood group A active glycoprotein. Structural characteristics studied by a quantitative lectin precipitation assay -- Lectin affinity of human placental opiate receptors -- Quantitative inhibition of lectin binding to immobilized carbohydrates -- Quantitative study of lectin-mediated cell aggregation -- Proliferative response of human T lymphocytes to a mixture of two lectins -- Anti-H grouping with the Sambucus edulus lectin -- Blood group substances for demonstration of lectins -- PART IV. ANIMAL LECTINS -- C-reactive protein as a model for how lectins may evolve -- Monocyte membrane lectin and in vitro phagocytosis of senescent human red blood cells -- Studies on lectins LXVI. Binding of serum glycoprotein asialooligosaccharides to the porcine liver and leucocyte membrane lectin -- Endogenous receptor for chick embryonic (3-galactoside binding lectin -- Studies on Lectins LXIV. Fish oocyte lectins. Further physiological characterization of lectins from oocytes of the brem, Abramis brama L., and the perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Interaction of the Perch lectin I
Weitere Informationen:
T. C. Bøg-Hansen; J. Breborowicz
De Gruyter
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Biochemie; Chemie; Naturwissenschaft, Biochemie, Chemie, Naturwissenschaft
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