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Law in Times of Crisis.

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     Duncker & Humblot
Bücher zu Sozialwissenschaften allg...
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I. Constitutional Law and Legal Theory Daphne Barak-Erez Reparations for Holocaust Survivors - Searching for Justice in Israel and Germany Leandro Dias and Ezequiel Heffes New Typologies of Non-International Armed Conflict? An Analysis of Article 8(2)(f) of the Rome Statute Avigdor Klagsbald Justice Danziger's Judgment on the Boycott Law. H.C.J. 5239/11 Uri Avneri v. The Knesset (Reported in Nevo, 15 April 2015) Karl Kreuzer Is Islamic Shariah Law Applicable under German Constitutional Law? Clemens Lückemann Large-Scale Disasters in Germany and Israel Yoram Rabin and Alon Rodas The Role of the State Comptroller of Israel in Combating Government Corruption and Promoting Moral Integrity Stefanie Schmahl Erosion of the Rule of Law: Curtailing the Powers of Constitutional Courts Kyrill-A. Schwarz How the Law Deals with Troublemakers Alex Stein Probabilism in Legal Interpretation Christoph Weber and Caroline S. Rapat Restoring Stolen Dignity. Reappraisal of the National Socialist Unlawful Revocation of Doctoral Degrees at the University of Würzburg II. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Susanne Beck Criminal Law in Intercultural Dialogue. On the Method of Culture-Based Comparative Criminal Law Mordechai Kremnitzer and Khalid Ghanayim On the Elements of the Offence of Homicide with Intention to Facilitate the Commission of Another Offence or Escape Justice, According to Section 301 A(a)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code (Amendment 137, 2019) Anat Meyassed Cnaan and Talia Eva Goldshtain Legal Realism and Forensics: Why the Legal System Won't Go All the Way in Limiting Forensic Evidence to its Actual Capacity Justin Monsenepw OHADA's Balancing Act Between the Community's Need for a Harmonized Criminal Law and the Member States' Hold on National Sovereignty Rottem Rosenberg Rubins Eyewitness Identification in Israel: ATheoretical and Comparative Perspective Yaniv Vaki Condign Punishment Appropriate to the Extent of Proof Brian Valeriu Legal Measures Against Hate Speech and Hate Crime Shizhou Wang On the Characteristics of Joint Crime in Chinese Criminal Law John Zuluag Confronting the Past Through Criminal Courts. Critical Reflections on the Colombian Case III. Corporate Law and Financial Regulation Winfried Bausback Future Whistleblower Protection in Germany Caught Between the Conflicting Demands of Bureaucratic Burden and Law Enforcement Orit Fischman Afori The Evolving Concept of Minority Shareholders as Controllers - The Israeli Perspective Asaf Eckstein and Gideon Parchomovsky Rethinking Oversight Duties and Responsibilities in Conglomerates Assaf Hamdani and Sharon Hannes Institutional Investor Activism: Lessons from Israel Tamir Shanan Taxation of »Stateless« Individual Taxpayers in the 21st Century Iris Soroker Regulation of Franchise Termination IV. Legal Challenges in Digital Transformation and Technology Berthold Haustein Through the Thicket of Law to the Stars of Technology Transfer Eric Hilgendorf »The High Dignity of the Office of Judge« in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Carsten Kusche Platform Crime as a Challenge for Criminal Law Doctrine and (Criminal) Law Policy David Roth-Isigkeit Towards Methodological Experimentalism in Digital Transformation Research Paul Vogel The Sanctions Regime in EU Data Protection Law Bernd Weiß Digitalisation and the Right to the Lawful Judge - Human Being or »Automated Judging Machine«? V. Ethics, Health, and Law Frauke Rostalski Life and Death María Lucila Tuñón Corti: Age, Fair Innings, and Triage in the Time of Coronavirus List of Publications by Yoram Danziger List of Authors
Weitere Informationen:
Eric Hilgendorf
Duncker & Humblot
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Rechtsbücher - englischsprachig, allgemeine Sozialwissenschaftsbücher - englischsprachig, bücher zu sozialwissenschaften allgemein, Israel, Judentum / Israel (Staat), Philosophie / Recht, Rechtsphilosophie, Soziologie / Recht, Kriminalität, Jurisprudenz, Recht / Rechtswissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Rechtsvergleich, Strafrecht, Israel; Strafrecht; Rechtstheorie; Verfassungsrecht; Gesellschaftsrecht; Digitale Transformation; Ethik
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