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Conceptual Modeling for Novel Application Domains

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     Springer Verlag
Allgemeine Informatikbücher
Bücher für Datenbanken - englischsp...
Datenbanken (Fachbücher)
Conceptual Modeling Approaches for E-Business at ER 2003 (eCOMO 2003).- Preface to eCOMO 2003.- Managing Evolving Business Workflows through the Capture of Descriptive Information.- The Benefits of Rapid Modelling for E-business System Development.- Prediction of Consumer Preference through Bayesian Classification and Generating Profile.- Developing Web Applications from Conceptual Models. A Web Services Approach.- A Framework for Business Rule Driven Web Service Composition.- Virtual Integration of the Tile Industry (VITI).- Second International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Quality at ER 2003 (IWCMQ 2003).- Preface to IWCMQ 2003.- Multiperspective Evaluation of Reference Models - Towards a Framework.- On the Acceptability of Conceptual Design Models for Web Applications.- Consistency by Construction: The Case of MERODE.- Defining Metrics for UML Statechart Diagrams in a Methodological Way.- Visual SQL - High-Quality ER-Based Query Treatment.- Multidimensional Schemas Quality: Assessing and Balancing Analyzability and Simplicity.- Conceptual Modeling of Accounting Information Systems: A Comparative Study of REA and ER Diagrams.- Agent-Oriented Information Systems at ER 2003 (AOIS 2003).- Preface to AOIS 2003.- Bringing Multi-agent Systems into Human Organizations: Application to a Multi-agent Information System.- Reconciling Physical, Communicative, and Social/Institutional Domains in Agent Oriented Information Systems - A Unified Framework.- An Agent-Based Active Portal Framework.- Agent-Oriented Modeling and Agent-Based Simulation.- REF: A Practical Agent-Based Requirement Engineering Framework.- Patterns for Motivating an Agent-Based Approach.- Using Scenarios for Contextual Design in Agent-Oriented Information Systems.- Dynamic Matchmaking between Messagesand Services in Multi-agent Information Systems.- International Workshop on XSDM at ER 2003 (XSDM 2003).- Preface to XSDM 2003.- A Sufficient and Necessary Condition for the Consistency of XML DTDs.- Index Selection for Efficient XML Path Expression Processing.- CX-DIFF: A Change Detection Algorithm for XML Content and Change Presentation Issues for WebVigiL.- Storing and Querying XML Documents Using a Path Table in Relational Databases.- Improving Query Performance Using Materialized XML Views: A Learning-Based Approach.- A Framework for Management of Concurrent XML Markup.- Object Oriented XML Query by Example.- Automatic Generation of XML from Relations: The Nested Relation Approach.- Toward the Automatic Derivation of XML Transformations.- VACXENE: A User-Friendly Visual Synthetic XML Generator.- A New Inlining Algorithm for Mapping XML DTDs to Relational Schemas.- From XML DTDs to Entity-Relationship Schemas.- Extracting Relations from XML Documents.- Extending XML Schema with Nonmonotonic Inheritance.
Weitere Informationen:
Manfred A. Jeusfeld; Oscar Pastor
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: allgemeine Informatikbücher - englischsprachig, bücher für datenbanken - englischsprachig, Database, Datenbank, Objektorientiert (EDV), Extensible Markup Language (XML); e-business; information system; structured analysis; structured design; DOM, DOM, Extensible Markup Language (XML), e-business, information system, modeling, structured analysis, structured design
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