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Advances in Natural Language Processing

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     Springer Verlag
Allgemeine Informatikbücher
Bücher für Datenbanken - englischsp...
Datenbanken (Fachbücher)
Keynote Addresses.- Recursion in Natural Languages.- The Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary as the Key Tool in Machine Translation.- A Finite-State Approximation of Optimality Theory: The Case of Finnish Prosody.- Research Papers.- A Bilingual Corpus of Novels Aligned at Paragraph Level.- A Computational Implementation of Internally Headed Relative Clause Constructions.- A Corpus-Based Empirical Account of Adverbial Clauses Across Speech and Writing in Contemporary British English.- A Korean Syntactic Parser Customized for Korean-English Patent MT System.- A Scalable and Distributed NLP Architecture for Web Document Annotation.- A Straightforward Method for Automatic Identification of Marginalized Languages.- A Text Mining Approach for Definition Question Answering.- Accommodating Multiword Expressions in an Arabic LFG Grammar.- Analysis of EU Languages Through Text Compression.- Applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation to Automatic Essay Grading.- Automatic Acquisition of Semantic Relationships from Morphological Relatedness.- Automatic Feature Extraction for Question Classification Based on Dissimilarity of Probability Distributions.- Cat3LB and Cast3LB: From Constituents to Dependencies.- Classification of News Web Documents Based on Structural Features.- Cognition and Physio-acoustic Correlates -- Audio and Audio-visual Effects of a Short English Emotional Statement: On JL2, FL2 and EL1.- Compiling Generalized Two-Level Rules and Grammars.- Computer Analysis of the Turkmen Language Morphology.- Coordination Structures in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar: Formalization and Implementation.- Cue-Based Interpretation of Customer's Requests: Analysis of Estonian Dialogue Corpus.- Czech-English Phrase-Based Machine Translation.- Deep vs. Shallow Semantic AnalysisApplied to Textual Entailment Recognition.- Dictionary-Free Morphological Classifier of Russian Nouns.- Discourse Segmentation of German Written Texts.- Document Clustering Based on Maximal Frequent Sequences.- Enriching Thesauri with Hierarchical Relationships by Pattern Matching in Dictionaries.- Evaluation of Alignment Methods for HTML Parallel Text.- Experiments in Passage Selection and Answer Identification for Question Answering.- Extracting Idiomatic Hungarian Verb Frames.- Extracting Term Collocations for Directing Users to Informative Web Pages.- Feasibility of Enriching a Chinese Synonym Dictionary with a Synchronous Chinese Corpus.- Finding Spanish Syllabification Rules with Decision Trees.- Identifying Text Discourse Structure of the Narratives Describing Psychiatric Patients' Defense Mechanisms.- Implementing a Rule-Based Speech Synthesizer on a Mobile Platform.- Improving Phrase-Based Statistical Translation Through Combination of Word Alignments.- Improving Statistical Word Alignments with Morpho-syntactic Transformations.- Improving Term Extraction with Terminological Resources.- Improving Thai Spelling Recognition with Tone Features.- Incorporating External Information in Bayesian Classifiers Via Linear Feature Transformations.- Is a Morphologically Complex Language Really that Complex in Full-Text Retrieval?.- Language Independent Answer Prediction from the Web.- Language Model Mixtures for Contextual Ad Placement in Personal Blogs.- Local Constraints on Arabic Word Order.- MEDITE: A Unilingual Textual Aligner.- Maximum Likelihood Alignment of Translation Equivalents.- Measuring Intelligibility of Japanese Learner English.- Morphological Lexicon Extraction from Raw Text Data.- On the Use of Topic Models for Word Completion.- Ord i Dag: MiningNorwegian Daily Newswire.- Paraphrase Identification on the Basis of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques.- Passage Filtering for Open-Domain Question Answering.- Persian in MULTEXT-East Framework.- Prerequisites for a Comprehensive Dictionary of Serbian Compounds.- Regular Approximation of Link Grammar.- Segmental Duration in Utterance-Initial Environment: Evidence from Finnish Speech Corpora.- Selection Strategies for Multi-label Text Categorization.- Some Problems of Prepositional Phrases in Machine Translation.- Speech Confusion Index (Ø): A Recognition Rate Indicator for Dysarthric Speakers.- Statistical Machine Translation of German Compound Words.- Summarizing Documents in Context: Modeling the User's Information Need.- Supervised TextRank.- Tagging a Morphologically Complex Language Using Heuristics.- Terminology Structuring Through the Derivational Morphology.- Text Segmentation Criteria for Statistical Machine Translation.- The Classificatim Sense-Mining System.- The Role of Verb Sense Disambiguation in Semantic Role Labeling.- The Vowel Game: Continuous Real-Time Visualization for Pronunciation Learning with Vowel Charts.- Towards a Framework for Evaluating Syntactic Parsers.- Towards the Improvement of Statistical Translation Models Using Linguistic Features.- Treating Unknown Light Verb Construction in Korean-to-English Patent MT.- Trees as Contexts in Formal Language Generation.- Two String-Based Finite-State Models of the Semantics of Calendar Expressions.- Using Alignment Templates to Infer Shallow-Transfer Machine Translation Rules.
Weitere Informationen:
Tapio Salakoski; Filip Ginter; Sampo Pyysalo; Tapio Pahikkala
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: allgemeine Informatikbücher - englischsprachig, bücher für datenbanken - englischsprachig, Intelligenz / Künstliche Intelligenz, KI, Künstliche Intelligenz - AI, Sprachsynthese, NLP interfaces, Text Mining, classification, computational linguistics, formal language, grammar systems, heuristics
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