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Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty

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     Springer Verlag
Allgemeine Informatikbücher
Bücher für Datenbanken - englischsp...
Datenbanken (Fachbücher)
Invited Talks.- Pattern Recognition and Information Fusion Using Belief Functions: Some Recent Developments.- Causality and Dynamics of Beliefs in Qualitative Uncertainty Frameworks.- Elements of Argumentation.- Causal Networks.- Causal Graphical Models with Latent Variables: Learning and Inference.- Learning Causal Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Observational Data and Interventions.- Belief Revision and Inconsistency Handling.- Measuring Inconsistency for Description Logics Based on Paraconsistent Semantics.- On the Dynamics of Total Preorders: Revising Abstract Interval Orders.- Approaches to Constructing a Stratified Merged Knowledge Base.- Syntactic Propositional Belief Bases Fusion with Removed Sets.- COBA 2.0: A Consistency-Based Belief Change System.- An Algorithm for Computing Inconsistency Measurement by Paraconsistent Semantics.- How Dirty Is Your Relational Database? An Axiomatic Approach.- Logics Under Uncertainty.- A Top-Down Query Answering Procedure for Normal Logic Programs Under the Any-World Assumption.- Measure Logic.- Weak Implication in Terms of Conditional Uncertainty Measures.- Language Invariance and Spectrum Exchangeability in Inductive Logic.- Best Approximation of Ruspini Partitions in Gödel Logic.- A Logical Approach to Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning.- Description Logic Programs Under Probabilistic Uncertainty and Fuzzy Vagueness.- From DEL to EDL: Exploring the Power of Converse Events.- Argumentation Systems.- Comparing Argumentation Semantics with Respect to Skepticism.- An Algorithm for Computing Semi-stable Semantics.- The Logical Handling of Threats, Rewards, Tips, and Warnings.- On the Acceptability of Incompatible Arguments.- Handling Ignorance in Argumentation: Semantics of Partial Argumentation Frameworks.- DialecticalProof Theories for the Credulous Prudent Preferred Semantics of Argumentation.- Towards an Extensible Argumentation System.- Dialectical Explanations in Defeasible Argumentation.- Arguing over Actions That Involve Multiple Criteria: A Critical Review.- Belief Functions.- Shared Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams for Dempster-Shafer Theory.- Cautious Conjunctive Merging of Belief Functions.- Consonant Belief Function Induced by a Confidence Set of Pignistic Probabilities.- On the Orthogonal Projection of a Belief Function.- On Latent Belief Structures.- The DSm Approach as a Special Case of the Dempster-Shafer Theory.- Interpreting Belief Functions as Dirichlet Distributions.- Forward-Backward-Viterbi Procedures in the Transferable Belief Model for State Sequence Analysis Using Belief Functions.- Uncertainty in Semantic Ontology Mapping: An Evidential Approach.- Learning and Classification.- Measures of Ruleset Quality Capable to Represent Uncertain Validity.- A Discriminative Learning Method of TAN Classifier.- Discriminative vs. Generative Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers.- PADUA Protocol: Strategies and Tactics.- A Semi-naive Bayes Classifier with Grouping of Cases.- Split Criterions for Variable Selection Using Decision Trees.- Inference and Learning in Multi-dimensional Bayesian Network Classifiers.- Combining Decision Trees Based on Imprecise Probabilities and Uncertainty Measures.- Belief Classification Approach Based on Generalized Credal EM.- Bayesian Networks and Probabilistic Reasoning.- Logical Compilation of Bayesian Networks with Discrete Variables.- Local Monotonicity in Probabilistic Networks.- Independence Decomposition in Dynamic Bayesian Networks.- Average and Majority Gates: Combining Information by Means of Bayesian Networks.- A Fast Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Bayesian Networks Structure Learning.- On Directed and Undirected Propagation Algorithms for Bayesian Networks.- Reasoning About Preferences.- Lexicographic Refinements of Sugeno Integrals.- Algebraic Structures for Bipolar Constraint-Based Reasoning.- A Revised Qualitative Choice Logic for Handling Prioritized Preferences.- An Abstract Theory of Argumentation That Accommodates Defeasible Reasoning About Preferences.- Relaxing Ceteris Paribus Preferences with Partially Ordered Priorities.- Reasoning and Decision Making Under Uncertainty.- Conceptual Uncertainty and Reasoning Tools.- Reasoning with an Incomplete Information Exchange Policy.- Qualitative Constraint Enforcement in Advanced Policy Specification.- A Qualitative Hidden Markov Model for Spatio-temporal Reasoning.- A Multiobjective Resource-Constrained Project-Scheduling Problem.- Game Theory.- Extending Classical Planning to the Multi-agent Case: A Game-Theoretic Approach.- Dependencies Between Players in Boolean Games.- Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic.- The Use of Fuzzy t-Conorm Integral for Combining Classifiers.- Integrated Query Answering with Weighted Fuzzy Rules.- On Decision Support Under Risk by the WOWA Optimization.- Transposing the Sociology of Organized Action into a Fuzzy Environment.- Possibility Theory.- An Axiomatization of Conditional Possibilistic Preference Functionals.- Conflict Analysis and Merging Operators Selection in Possibility Theory.- Extending Description Logics with Uncertainty Reasoning in Possibilistic Logic.- Information Affinity: A New Similarity Measure for Possibilistic Uncertain Information.- Applications.- Measuring the Quality of Health-Care Services: A Likelihood-Based Fuzzy Modeling Approach.- Automatic Indexing from a Thesaurus Using Bayesian Networks: Application to the Classification of Parliamentary Initiatives.- A Genetic Programming Classifier Design Approach for Cell Images.- Use of Radio Frequency Identification for Targeted Advertising: A Collaborative Filtering Approach Using Bayesian Networks.- Development of an Intelligent Assessment System for Solo Taxonomies Using Fuzzy Logic.
Weitere Informationen:
Khaled Mellouli
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: allgemeine Informatikbücher - englischsprachig, bücher für datenbanken - englischsprachig, Bayes-Verfahren, Fuzzy Logik - Fuzzy Set, Fuzzy, Hidden Markov Model, algorithmic learning, algorithms, bayesian networks, fuzzy information, game theory, genetic programming, imprecise information
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