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Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and Biology

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     Springer Verlag
Physik- und Astronomiebücher - engl...
Physik-, Astronomiebücher
physik bücher
Introductory Lecture: Molecular Dynamics of Single Molecules.- How Biomolecular Motors Work: Synergy Between Single Molecule Experiments and Single Molecule Simulations.- Detection of Single Molecules and Single Molecule Processes.- Single-Molecule Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging: From Early Steps to Recent Advances.- Single Molecules as Optical Probes for Structure and Dynamics.- FCS and Single Molecule Spectroscopy.- Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.- Single Molecule Spectroscopy Illuminating the Molecular Dynamics of Life.- Chemical Fluxes in Cellular Steady States Measured by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.- In Vivo Fluorescence Correlation and Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy.- Fluorescence Flicker as a Read-out in FCS: Principles, Applications and Further Developments.- Quantum Dots and Single Molecule Behaviour.- Development of Nanocrystal Molecules for Plasmon Rulers and Single Molecule Biological Imaging.- Size-Minimized Quantum Dots for Molecular and Cellular Imaging.- Mapping Transcription Factors on Extended DNA: A Single Molecule Approach.- Molecular Motion of Contractile Elements and Polymer Formation.- Single Molecule Measurement, a Tool for Exploring the Dynamic Mechanism of Biomolecules.- Viral DNA Packaging: One Step at a Time.- Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in the Rotary Molecular Motor F-ATPase.- Force and Multiparameter Spectroscopy on Functional Active Proteins.- Mechanoenzymatics and Nanoassembly of Single Molecules.- Single Cell Physiology.- Force-Clamp Spectroscopy of Single Proteins.- Unraveling the Secrets of Bacterial Adhesion Organelles Using Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy.- Nanoscale Microscopy and High Resolution Imaging.- Far-Field Optical Nanoscopy.- Sub-Diffraction-Limit Imaging with Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy.- Assessing Biological Samples with Scanning Probes.- Single Molecule Microscopy in Individual Cells.- Enzymology and Life at the Single Molecule Level.- Controlling Chemistry in Dynamic Nanoscale Systems.- Catalysis of Single Enzyme Molecules.- Single-Molecule Protein Conformational Dynamics in Enzymatic Reactions.- Watching Individual Enzymes at Work.- The Influence of Symmetry on the Electronic Structure of the Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes from Purple Bacteria.- New Fields and Outlook.- Exploring Nanostructured Systems with Single-Molecule Probes: From Nanoporous Materials to Living Cells.- Gene Regulation: Single-Molecule Chemical Physics in a Natural Context.
Weitere Informationen:
Astrid Gräslund; Rudolf Rigler; Jerker Widengren
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Astrophysik, Physik / Astrophysik, Biologie / Einführung in Spezialgebiete, Chemie / Einführung in Spezialgebiete, Spektroskopie, Dynamicsofsingle FluorescencecorrelationQuantumdots; Singleectroscopy; nanoscience; diffraction; imaging; microscopy; molecule; Nanostructure; quantumdot; Spectroscopy, Dynamics of single molecules, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Quantum dots, Single molecule spectroscopy, Spectroscopy in nanoscience
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