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Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000

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     Springer Verlag
geowissenschaftliche Bücher - engli...
geowissenschaften bücher
Time Variable Gravity: An Emerging Frontier in Interdisciplinary Geodesy.- Earth Physics and Global Glacial Isostasy: from Paleo-Geodesy to Space-Geodesy.- Global Unification of Height Systems and GOCE.- A Discussion of Fundamental Constants in View of Geodetic Reference Systems.- A Study of the Transfer of the ITRF Datum to a GPS Network in Antarctica.- Establishing Global Reference Frames. Nonlinear, Temporal, Geophysical and Stochastic Aspects.- Aliasing Error Modeling in Single-Input Single-Output Linear Estimation Systems.- Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sets with Partial Inconsistences.- Optimization of Computations in Spherical Geopotential Field Applications.- TcLight: a New Technique for Fast RTC Computation.- A Fast, Spatial Domain Technique for Terrain Corrections in Gravity Field Modeling.- Some Considerations on Fuzzy Least-Squares.- A Wavelet Solution to 1D Non-Stationary Collocation With an Extension to 2D Case.- A Wavelet Based Gravity Model with an Application to the Evaluation of Stokes' Integral.- Satellite Gravity Anomaly Recovery Using Multigrid Methods.- Inverting Land Uplift near Vatnajökull, Iceland, in Terms of Lithosphere Thickness and Viscosity Stratification.- Error Analysis of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Mission.- GOCE Gravity Field Recovery Using Massive Parallel Computing.- Regularization for the Gravity Field Recovery from GOCE Observations.- Local Geoid Determination with in situ Geopotential Data Obtained from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking.- Energy Relations for the Motion of two Satellites within the Gravity Field of the Earth.- Dynamic Satellite Geodesy on the Torus: Block-Diagonality from a Semi-Analytical Approach.- Evaluation of Temporal Variations on the Gravity Field Caused by Geophysical Fluids andTheir Possible Detection by GRACE.- GRIM5-C1: Combination Solution of the Global Gravity Field to Degree and Order 120.- High Resolution Gravity Field Modeling with Full Variance-Covariance Matrices.- Gravity, Oceanic Angular Momentum, and the Earth's Rotation.- Ocean Tide Effects on Grace Gravimetry.- Principal Component Analysis on Temporal-Spatial Variations of Sea Level Anomalies from T/P Satellite Altimetry Data over the Northwest Pacific.- Application of GPS-Buoy Water Level Instrument for Radar Altimeter Calibration.- Methodological Investigation of the Processing of Absolute Gravity Data.- Determination of Atmospheric Influence on High-Accuracy Gravity Measurements with Elastic Earth Models.- Postglacial Rebound in Fennoscandia: New Results from Estonian Tide Gauges.- Time Stability of Gravity at Different Sites in France.- The Gravitational Signature of Earthquakes.- Experiences with AIRGrav: Results from a New Airborne Gravimeter.- STAR-3i Airborne Gravity and Geoid Mapping System.- Towards a Dynamic Absolute Gravity System.- Impact of BRAGS'99 Airborne Gravimetric Data on Geoid Computation in Australia, and Possibilities of Utilization of Bathymetric Information.- Airborne Gravity Survey of the North Greenland Continental Shelf.- Accuracy and Resolution of the Local Geoid Determined from Airborne Gravity Data.- Great Barrier Reef Airborne Gravity Survey (BRAGS'99). A Gravity Survey Piggybacked on an Airborne Bathymetry Mission.- Gravity Anomalies from Airborne Measurements-Experiments Using a Low Cost IMU Device.- Mean Vertical Gradient of Gravity.- Absolute Accounting for Vertical Gravity Gradient in Absolute Gravimeters.- The 1-cm geoid after GOCE.- Density Modeling for Geoid Determination.- Variational Methods in the Recovery of the gravity Field-- Galerkin's Matrix for an Ellipsoidal Domain.- Recent Investigations Toward Achieving a One Centimeter Geoid.- Quasi-Geoid Estimations in South America.- A Gravimetric Geoid for Egypt Derived by FFT Technique -- EGGG2000.- High Resolution Regional Geoid Computation.- Gravimetric Geoid Computation for Austria Using Seismic Moho Data.- Development of Improved Gravity Field Models Around Japan.- Truncation of Poisson's Integral in Upward and Downward Continuations of the Earth's Gravity.- A New Geoid Model for Japan, JGEOID2000.- First Results of Using Digital Density Data in gravimetric Geoid Computation in Australia.- GPS Leveling and the Second Geodetic Boundary Value Problem.- A High-Resolution Geoid for the Establishment of the Gavdos Multi-Satellite Calibration Site.- Changes in Ice-Mass Balance Inferred from Time Variations of the Geopotential Observed Through SLR and Doris Tracking.- Temporal Geoid of a Rebounding Antarctica and Potential Measurement by the GRACE and GOCE Satellites.- Determination of Mass Balance of Polar Ice from Gravity.- First Absolute Gravity Measurements at the French Station Dumont d'Urville (Antarctica).- VLNDEF Project: Geodetic Contribution to Geodynamics Study of Victoria Island, Antarctica.- Gravity and GPS Observations in the Inland, Antarctica.- Arctic Gravity Project -- a Status.
Weitere Informationen:
Michael G. Sideris
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: deformation; geodesy; Geoidynamik; Geophysics; Moho; Schwerkraft, Deformation, Geodesy, Geodynamics, Geoidynamik, Geophysics, Gravity, Moho, Schwerkraft
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