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New Horizons in Occultation Research

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     Springer Verlag
geowissenschaftliche Bücher - engli...
geowissenschaften bücher
GNSS Occultation: Methodology, Analysis, and Applications.- GPS Radio Occultation with CHAMP, GRACE-A, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X, and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC: Brief Review of Results from GFZ.- Error Estimate of Bending Angles in the Presence of Strong Horizontal Gradients.- Phase Transform Algorithm for Radio Occultation Data Processing.- Using Airborne GNSS Receivers to Detect Atmospheric Turbulence.- The GRAS SAF Radio Occultation Processing Intercomparison Project ROPIC.- Radio Occultation Soundings in Ionosphere and Space Weather Applications: Achievements and Prospects.- Solar, Lunar, and Stellar Occultation for Atmospheric Studies.- SCIAMACHY Solar Occultation: Ozone and NO2 Profiles 2002-2007.- Retrieval of Trace Gas Concentrations from Lunar Occultation Measurements with SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT.- Validation of GOMOS/Envisat High-Resolution Temperature Profiles (HRTP) Using Spectral Analysis.- GNSS Occultation for Atmospheric Studies.- Assimilation of Radio Occultation Data in the Global Meteorological Model GME of the German Weather Service.- Sampling of the Diurnal Tide of Temperature Using Formosat-3/COSMIC Data.- Recent Advances in the Study of Stratospheric Wave Activity Using COSMIC and CHAMP GPS-RO.- Recent Advances in Gravity Wave Analysis from Long Term Global GPS Radio Occultation Observations.- New Applications and Advances of the GPS Radio Occultation Technology as Recovered by Analysis of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and CHAMP Data-Base.- GNSS Occultation for Climate Studies.- Climatologies Based on Radio Occultation Data from CHAMP and Formosat-3/COSMIC.- Testing Climate Models Using Infrared Spectra and GNSS Radio Occultation.- Construction of Consistent Temperature Records in the Lower Stratosphere Using Global Positioning System Radio Occultation Data and MicrowaveSounding Measurements.- Lower Stratospheric Temperatures from CHAMP RO Compared to MSU/AMSU Records: An Analysis of Error Sources.- SimVis: An Interactive Visual Field Exploration Tool Applied to Climate Research.- Trend Indicators of Atmospheric Climate Change Based on Global Climate Model Scenarios.- Future Occultation Missions.- ROSA - The Italian Radio Occultation Mission Onboard the Indian OCEANSAT-2 Satellite.- Radio Occultation Mission in Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite KOMPSAT-5.- The Contribution of PROBA2-LYRA Occultations to Earth Atmosphere Composition Analysis.- The Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS).
Weitere Informationen:
Andrea Steiner; Barbara Pirscher; Ulrich Foelsche; Gottfried Kirchengast
Springer Berlin
Weitere Suchbegriffe: Atmosphere and climate science, Atmospheric remote sensing, Envisat, Ionosphere, Ionospheric and planetary research, Occultation methods, Radio and optical occultation, TerraSAR-X, Tide, Weather, moisture
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