Support-Portal » FEATURE (en)

The element FEATURE describes a measurable feature of an item, i.e. the name of the feature and the feature value together with further information about the feature. This is a supplement to the DESCRIPTION_LONG.

A feature is always comprised of both the fields FNAME and FVALUE. If it concerns a feature, e.g. length, volume, weight, etc. that also requires a unit, this unit is stated as FUNIT.

Features are searchable. The order can be controlled with FORDER. FUNIT and FORDER are not mandatory information within the FEATURE element.

Extract from BMEcat:



→ FNAME (feature name), mandatory information, should be unique within an item
→ FVALUE (expression of the referenced features), mandatory information, multiple use is possible
→ FUNIT (unit of measurement for the feature), standard units should be used

For products containing hazardous substances a valid GHS labelling (GHS = hazardous substance indication) is required. You can specify the GHS labelling as a FEATURE.
Detailed information on GHS labelling and implementation as FEATURE can be found on the page Labelling in accordance with GHS.

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