For products containing hazardous substances a valid GHS labelling (GHS = hazardous substance indication) and a safety data sheet are required. It is not sufficient to simply label it in a PDF. There must be a clear indication for the customer or in the customer system.
More details about labelling in accordance to GHS can be found here.

The hazardousness has to be pointed out in the item description. The item description must contain the following information:

Hazardous substance indication (GHS), not as an image, but as a tag in the electronic catalogue
Signal words
Hazard statements
Safety data sheet
→ Item data sheet
→ Precautionary sentences
→ Indication that each package includes disposable gloves and a
→ Statement for re-sellers and professional users

Please note: You can find information on the labelling of individual items / mixtures / substances on the safety data sheet (SDS). Under point 2 (classification in accordance with Regulation (CE) 1272/2008), the labelling (hazard symbol) is stated.

GHS Value and Signal Word
The value of GHS (type=GHS) and the signal word (type=GHSSIGNAL) must be stated in the BMEcat field SPECIAL_TREATMENT_CLASS.

As a signal word “Danger” (G) and “Warning” (A) can be used. The GHSSIGNAL may only occur once for an item.
Labelling for “Danger” (G):


Labelling for “Warning” (A):


The following GHS values are permitted:

Value CLP/GHS Description of symbol
GHS02 Flame
GHS04 Gas cylinder
GHS05 Corrosion
GHS07 Exclamation mark
GHS08 Health hazard
GHS09 Environmental
→ Items with the values GHS01 (exploding bomb [explosive]), GHS03 (flame over circle [oxidising]) or GHS06 (skull and crossbones [severe toxic]) are prohibited products. Items with these GHS values will be rejected.

Example of a valid GHS labelling including GHS (GHS value) and GHSSIGNAL (signal word):


Elements of type=GHS can be present in various combinations. Up to four symbols are permitted at the same time.
The display in the customer system is automatically controlled. A pictogram will be provided for every GHS value stated within the SPECIAL_TREATMENT_CLASS.

→ If the field SPECIAL_TREATMENT_CLASS contains a value for GHS and/or GHSSIGNAL, the existence of a safety data sheet will be checked.

Safety Data Sheets
In accordance with the REACH Directive, Article 31, safety data sheets are to be provided unrequested to the customer for substances and mixtures that are classified as dangerous.

The safety data sheet is to be given to the recipient at the latest with the first delivery of the substance/mixture. The law allows scope for depositing and the possibility of downloading as a PDF.

As added value for the customer, the safety data sheet is available to download at any time next to the item.

Safety data sheets are to be filed in BMEcat as follows. In doing so, it is particularly important to note the correct indication of the MIME_DESCR and MIME_PURPOSE fields.

Extract from BMEcat:



  • The saftey data sheet must be in the language of the respective market
  • The safety data sheet must be up to date
  • The name of the referenced safety data sheet is specified in the MIME_SOURCE field
    • The name of the file may only contain lower case letters, digits and underscores
    • Please do not use spaces or special characters (<,>,&)
    • The file extension must be included.
  • MIME_TYPE: application/pdf
  • MIME_PURPOSE: safety_data_sheet
  • MIME_DESCR: Safety Data Sheet
→ Based on the classification system and associated ID given for an item via ARTICLE_FEATURES (reference feature system) the existence of the safety data sheet is checked during catalogue processing. In case of a missing GHS labelling or a missing safety data sheet the item will not be processed and exported to the customer system.

Further information regarding image files and PDFs you can find in section MIME_INFO and MIME.

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