Support-Portal » Categories – manual

The following article explains how the product groups are created line by line in the file „categories_CAT-ID_LANGUAGE_UTF-8.xls“.

Because each catalogue consists of both products and categories an additional file containing the product information is needed. How to create this file is described in the article Products – manual.

Excel templates for the products and categories file are available here:

Important notes on the Excel template:

→ Please do not change the order of the columns
→ The first two rows are important for the processing and must not be changed or deleted
→ The spelling of the headings must be retained
→ The columns, which are marked as mandatory fields, must be filled in
→ Please avoid blank lines between the lines containing the categories
→ For a line break a ‚Line Feed (LF or \n)‘ or ‚Carriage Return + Line Feed‘ (CRLF or \r\n) has to be used

The number and name of product groups and the structure of the sub-categories can be chosen freely. For example, if you only have 5 items in your catalogue, one product group is sufficient.

In the items below you find the requirements and more information on the columns in the Excel template. The order corresponds to the order within the Excel file.


The GROUP_ID is the unique ID that classifies product groups. The GROUP_ID is used to assign a product to a specific product group. In addition, the hierarchy of the product groups can also be represented in this way („father-son-relationships“).

You can choose the group IDs freely or take them over from your ERP system.

→ Mandatory field
→ Row 3 may not be changed and must always contain 1
→ Use each group ID only once
→ Numbers, letters and even whole words can be used




Items are arranged in the product group structure using column W (CATALOG_GROUP_ID) in the products file:


More information on the products file is available under Products – manual.


In this column you enter the name of each category. You can choose the product group names freely or take them over from your ERP system.

→ Mandatory field
→ Row 3 may not be changed and must always contain the name “catalogue”
→ From row 4 on you enter the names for all categories and sub-categories
→ The product groups and their names can be chosen freely




In column GROUP_DESCRIPTION you enter a long description for each category. This column is only applicable for manufacturer’s catalogues (Mercateo Brand World). For a logistics catalogue, leave the column empty.

→ Only applicable for manufacturer’s catalogues
→ You can use HTML tags, e.g. paragraphs or lists, to structure the description

You can add images for product groups. However, this functionality is only applicable for manufacturer’s catalogues (Mercateo Brand World). For a logistics catalogue, leave the column empty.

If an image is available, please enter the file name in the Excel file, the image file itself is to be transferred via FTP.

→ Only applicable for manufacturer’s catalogues
→ Image file format: JPG, PNG and GIF
→ Minimum image size: 250 pixels
→ Image file name: only lower case letters, no spaces, no special characters
→ The illustration itself should not be too detailed
→ The columns MIME_SOURCE and MIME_PURPOSE are closely related
Column Explanation
MIME_SOURCE → This column is used for the image file name including file extension
→ Example: copypaper.jpg or a123-book.gif
MIME_PURPOSE → For images please use normal

The CATALOG_STRUCTURE type defines whether a product group contains products or further product groups.

→ Mandatory field
→ Row 3 may not be changed and must always contain root
→ The „root“ category is the gateway where our system links into your catalogue
→ For categories that contain sub-categories enter: node
→ For categories that contain products enter: leaf
→ Products can only be allocated to categories labelled as: leaf
→ A category may not contain both products and product groups



Scheme of a catalogue structure:

Example of a catalogue structure


The PARENT_ID indicates the GROUP_ID of the superordinated group. This column defines the position of the product group within the hierarchy of the product group system.

→ Mandatory field
→ Row 3 may not be changed and must always contain „0“
→ For your freely chosen product groups, please enter the Group ID of the related superordinated group



The next illustration shows the relationship between GROUP_ID and PARENT_ID:


→ Coloured orange: The „root“ category (Catalogue) contains the main categories „Envelopes“ and „Paper“. Therefore, both groups gets a 1 in column PARENT_ID.

→ Coloured yellow: The group „Envelopes“ with group ID 2 contains the sub-categories „Business“, „Office“ and „Colour“. Therefore, these 3 groups receive a 2 in column PARENT_ID.
→ Coloured light yellow: Below the group „Colour“ hang the sub-categories „Colour DIN C3“, „Colour DIN C4“ and „Colour DIN C5“. Therefor „23“ is entered as PARENT_ID.


Here you can enter a numerical value to indicate in which order sub-categories should appear within their category.

→ Only integer values are permitted
Example of a product group system

The best way to explain the topic is via an example. Please imagine you have a group system consisting of two main groups, „Envelopes“ and „Paper“. And these two groups comprises various sub-categories.

In the first step, you define the structure of your product group system:

Scheme of a product group structur

→ „Envelopes“ and „Paper“ are categories in the 1st level
→ Either of the groups contain three groups in the 2nd level
→ And the 2nd level groups „Colour“ and „Business“ have three further sub-categories (3rd level)

The scheme of your category tree would then look like this:


The next illustration shows how to insert these product groups in the Excel template:


Note: The background colours are for illustrative purposes only and have no influence on the group system. You can leave the background colour to white.

Please do not forget to state the Group ID in the products file in column W as well:


After uploading your catalogue, the product groups would look like this in the catalogue preview:


And if you then click on „Envelopes“, for example, you will see the associated sub-categories:
